Many people never invest their money because they fear financial loss. The problem is that putting money into a savings account means getting low-interest rates that do not even keep up with inflation. Investing smartly can empower you to start generating meaningful returns and build wealth for a better financial future.
In the world of finance, the market is the place where you can buy and sell shares of bonds, stocks, and other assets. You need to open an investment or brokerage account and fund it with the cash you can use to buy shares.
What are stocks and bonds?
Publicly traded companies issue stocks or bonds to raise money for their operations. If you buy bonds, companies will pay them back, plus some interest over time.
Stocks are small pieces of equity in a company and are riskier investments than bonds due to market volatility. If you buy stock for a large amount of money, you risk losing that money if the stock price plunges.

What is your risk tolerance?
In the market, you make or lose money depending upon your purchase and sale price. Your gains or losses only count when you sell an asset. If you buy a stock at $15 and it drops to $10, you only lose $5 if you sell when it is at $10. If you wait until the stock is up to $20 before you sell, you will make $5. When investing, it is important for you to understand your risk tolerance. You have to know how much volatility in the market you can handle, which will depend on various factors such as your age and your income level.
Low and high-risk portfolios
Investors need to take calculated risks and younger investors can have riskier portfolios than older ones because they have more time to weather the ups and downs of the market. The sooner you can start investing, the better.
During your working years, you are ideally increasing your investments rather than taking money out. If you’re near retirement, you are more vulnerable to market changes. A higher risk portfolio will usually include a significant number of stocks and few bonds and a lower risk portfolio will consist of safer assets like bonds.

The importance of diversification
If you’re a beginner investor, you should look at ETFs, which are a collection of stocks, bonds, and other investment vehicles rather than individual stocks. It is easier to create a diversified account in this way if the account is a small one.
With diversification, there is less of a chance that your whole portfolio will lose value in a market downturn. You will need to find funds with solid track records and reasonable fees to invest in. If you want to invest regularly in an ETF by making automatic payments, you should choose one that’s commission-free, so you don’t pay commission each time.
What does a well-constructed portfolio look like?
Diversifying across your entire investment portfolio is critical to building wealth because it makes managing risks easier. Precious metals, commodities, real estate, private equity and venture capital are all available to buy and can help you to achieve diversification and manage your risks.
A portfolio that’s well constructed should include assets that do not move in tandem. This means that some assets may be doing well when others are doing poorly because they rely on different drivers. This helps to reduce the volatility of your portfolio without lowering your return potential. A key principle of investing is to strike the right balance between risk and reward.